


Putting the Lord's Teachings First in Life主の教えを第一として生きる

沖縄世界宣教教会 ユースリーダー
メイン通訳者 ワーシップリーダー
安谷 知恩

 「主のおしえは完全でたましいを生き返らせ、 主の証しは確かで浅はかな者を賢くする。
主の戒めは真っ直ぐで人の心を喜ばせ、 主の仰せは清らかで人の目を明るくする。」 詩篇19:7,8

 私がワールドミッションクリスチャンスクール(以下WMCS) で受けた恵みは数えきれない程あります。
その中でも特に WMCS だからこそ預かることのできた恵みの一つとして「キリストに在る、 主のことばによる教育」 が挙げられると思います。
エペソの6 章に「主の教育と訓戒によって子どもを育てよ」 と書かれていますが、WMCS はそれを体現した学校だと思います。
聖書の箇所を1章ずつ学ぶ毎朝のディボーションや、年に一度の暗唱聖句大会 (Bible Bowl)などを通して、WMCSの学生は日々御言葉を学び、蓄えるように訓練されます。

モーセの十戒の中に、「あなたの父と母を敬え」 とあります。
WMCS ではそれを愛児園生(保育園生)の頃から教えられます。

 もう一つ、WMCSにおける主のことばによる教育で、私の人間関係にとても良い影響を与えたのは、隣人 (特に権威者) を敬い、人の悪いところではなく良いところに目を止めるということです。
聖書は、主が立てられた権威を敬うこと、また他人を自分よりも優れた者だと敬うこと(ピリピ 2:3) を教えています。
それに加えて「すべての真実なこと、 すべての誉れあること、すべての正しいこと・・・(ピリピ4:8)」 などの良い側面に目を留めるようにと書かれています。

 それだけでは無く、WMCS ではすべての土台となる「神様との関係」を何よりも強調して教えています。

WMCS を通して、 十字架によって罪が贖われ永遠の命が与えられたこと、 また神の子、 キリストの花嫁として神様と愛の関係へと召されていることなどを学べたことは何事にも変えられない最大の恵みだと思っています。
「しかし私にとっては、 神の近くにいることが、 幸せなのです。 (詩篇 73:28)」

神様の恵みにより、2020年の4月に入学することができ、 今年で3年生になりました。
現在は救急・災害医療サークルの部長を務めたり、 医学部のダンス部に入ったりと部活と勉強を楽しく両立させていただいています。
また、 母教会である沖縄世界宣教教会でも通訳や賛美、 ユースミニストリーの奉仕をさせていただいており、霊的な成長の機会をいただいております。
将来は医療資源の乏しいへき地と言われる地域で、 医療宣教師として主の栄光を表す者となりたいと願っております。

Alumni of 15th Graduating Class
Youth Leader, Okinawa World Mission Church
Main Interpreter, Worship Leader
3rd year student, Department of Medicine, University of the Ryukyus
Shion Yasutani

"The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD issure,
making wise the simple; the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes." Psalm19:7,8

The blessings I have received at World Mission Christian School (WMCS) are innumerable. One of the blessings that I was able to receive through WMCS is "education in Christ and in the word of the Lord." Ephesians 6 says, "Bring (children) up in the training and instruction of the Lord," and I believe that WMCS is a school that embodies this. Through daily morning devotions where the Bible is studied chapter by chapter and an annual Bible memorization event (Bible Bowl), WMCS students are trained to study and store up the Word of God on a daily basis. Through this testimony, I would like to share how education in the Word of the Lord has blessed my life.
One of the aspects of personal growth that the Lord's Word has greatly helped.
me to develop is respect for my parents. In Moses' Ten Commandments, it is written, "Honor your father and your mother," and at WMCS, this is taught from preschool age (nursery school). I myself was brought up under such teachings of the Lord from a young age, and I grew to respect my parents. I believe that by having this attitude of respect, I was able to learn and enjoy many good traits of my parents.

Another aspect of my upbringing in the Word of the Lord at WMCS was learning to respect my neighbor, especially those in authority, and the ability to see the good in people rather than their weak points. This has had a very positive impact on my relationships. The Bible teaches us to respect the authority the Lord has established and to consider others as better than ourselves (Philippians 2:3). In addition, it tells us to keep our eyes on the positive characteristics of "all that is true, all that is honorable, all that is just..." (Philippians 4:8). Of course, we do not always put those things into practice. However, at WMCS, I was always taught to respect teachers and pastors and to learn well from them. I was taught to pay attention to the good points of my neighbors, to praise them sincerely, and to avoid gossiping behind their backs as much as possible. This has allowed me to have blessed relationships. I feel that I have learned many good things from these teachings, not only within the WMCS community, but also with my friends.
and seniors at the university, my professors, and even at my part-time job, where I have been able to build close relationships with others by being respectful to them.

Not only that, but at WMCS, we emphasize "relationship with God" above all else, which is the foundation of everything we teach. The things mentioned above are of course wonderful, but they are impossible without first receiving unconditional love from God ourselves.
Through WMCS, I have learned that my sins were paid for on the cross and I was given eternal life, and that I am called to a relationship of love with God as His child, the bride of Christ. "But as for me, it is good to be near God." (Psalm73:28)
Currently, I am in the midst of daily studies at the Department of Medicine at the University of the Ryukyus to become a physician. By God's grace, I was able to enroll in April 2020, and am now in my third year. As of now, I enjoy balancing club activities and studies, such as serving as the head of the Emergency and Disaster Medicine Club and joining the School of Medicine's dance club. I also serve as an interpreter, worship leader, and youth leader at my mother church, Okinawa World Mission Church, where I am given opportunities for spiritual growth. In the future, I hope to become a medical missionary in a remote area where medical resources are scarce and shine the glory of the Lord.
All glory to the Lord.